Ideas to generate new fitness leads with the Barbell Jack

Create a MONTHLY combo giveaway: You’ll be surprised how many brands will be delighted to jump onboard, we are happy to offer your gym a free jack if you’d like to run a giveaway campaign… and same goes to many other local brands and a free 2 weeks membership with that giveaway…. tag the brand as a collaborator and if you do a “remarkable” funny or witty post many of these brands will promote it on their own social and share with their email list.

Affiliate Partnerships: Sign up as affiliate to above brands and other local businesses, your gym gets a referral fee and your members gets a discount, then add that product link or code to your welcome email series. It’s a set and forget program with a win-win-win value proposition. Example: 10% off at the nearby juice bar for your members, 5% off the local fitness retail store… add these to your welcome email (when they signup) and have the partner business do the same.


Fitness Professionals and World Champions

Launch and Lead generation for fitness brands, services and membership programs, is by far one of the hardest industries to get right, particularly when you’re not falling under the banner of chain that can invest in SEO, Direct response and brand awareness Ads or out of the box programs that you can roll-out in your area… even then, it’s hard to meet the benchmark. Now of course factors such as locations, facilities, price… play a huge role here, so we’ll assume you have covered your due diligence launching in an area where you have DEMAND and your rates / facilities vs competitors are reasonable. 

Top 4 Mistakes Gyms and Studios make to increase memberships:

- Google Ads before SEO ranking: A great tool for prospects with intent, but be aware that it will cost you more to advertise on google before you organically rank your website.

- Social Ads without an offer: also referred to as Interruption Ads, so you make sure you have a great hook or offer, avoid brand awareness type of ads and read more on direct response ads.

- Ads without audience optimisation or focus: who are your target clients? 5km radius is not enough… ensure you have an ad for each sub-audience example: age, sex… or relationship. Some of your best prospects could be those who just recently had a change in their relationship status.

- Adopting generic programs and strategies: Sales funnels, landing pages, referral programs, and posting tons of regular content on social with particular hashtags and songs… are all very valid strategies… if you have multiple gyms and enough resources.

Signup to generate organic memberships

Partners and Supporters

Now Wait… Before you generate new leads and members:

- Build a community: Ensure you have enough small activities to build rapport, (yes, feeling of belonging is key here) Classes, Challenges… all on the menu, one of the best ways to announce these is via your marketing automation… and on that,

- Marketing Automation: One of the most under-utilised tool… Please put your new members on an automated email journey, have at least fortnightly emails going out to members, don’t worry about design just a simple email, mention there progress, refer them to new classes, introduce new trainers, remind them the importance of routine, how master certain exercises, get them off that cardio after the first 4 weeks and get them to try lifting… celebrate their birthday and anniversary at your gym (bcc all gym staff on those)

Within our first year; 287 gyms & studios partnered to drive more members, generate new leads, and launch a challenge or competition; we’ve been featured in 18 Strongmen and International competitions from Tasmania to Florida, partnered with Fitness Products and Brands, Distributors, Online Coaches we’d love for you to join us.

  • Get 50% OFF your 1st order
  • $100 AUD Giftcard to use for a Giveaway or competition to new members
  • 10% from any sale made with your code or link
  • Your members also get a 10% discount
  • Lifters & Thrusters will love you for it
  • You can generate more leads and followers
  • Tag us in, we’ll republish and advertise your post
  • Recommended by Fitness Professionals


  • No minimum order, just grab 1 jack if you’re a small studio
  • No minimum followers
  • We can provide you with postcards if needed
  • Ideal for gyms, studios, physio and fitness professionals
  • Guess what we’re trying to say is….
Limited spots | Subject to 24 – 48 hrs approval
Lead generation for gyms launch program

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