Deadlift Equipment

Deadlift Equipment, Barbell Portable Jack, Halter Jack, Hantelheber, Haltères Jack, Sztanga Jack, Langhantel-Heber

There are so many innovations in the realm of fitness, it can be hard to keep up with them all. However, there is a tool that is turning heads in the right way around the world, being recommended by physical therapists, gym enthusiast and personal trainers in equal measure – The Barbell Jack.

This little wonder has been the saving grace for those who find it difficult or troublesome changing plates on a bar in the traditional manner. Allowing any user to adjust the plates on their bars with lessened risk of pinching their fingers or straining their back in awkward positions. It works like a traditional carjack and is designed for maximal efficacy and minimal strain.

Reworking the classic Gym Jack

No doubt many of you are thinking “But there is a steel one at the gym already!” You’d be correct in this assumption, and probably wondering why it is gathering dust in the corner next to the smith machine. The heavy and awkward design of the steel-based jacks are the principal reason they are not utilized by a majority of gym-goers and personal trainers.

While the steel jack is a classic staple of the steel-infused gyms of yesteryear, the Barbell Jack is a harkening to a modern gym-going experience. Allowing a compact, secure and portable tool that fits into any gym bag for maximum convenience. As gyms become more populated with technological marvels, the classic idea of a jack has been reworked in equal measure to be an innovative and savvy addition to the modern workout toolkit.

Fans from all walks

The Barbell Jack has its fair share of fans around the globe, from physiotherapists touting the Barbell Jack as a lightweight and dependable tool for alleviating the strains of bending awkwardly in the gym to change plates on their bars. Physical trainers and gym enthusiasts can’t stop raving about the tool which has seen demand increase exponentially.

Giving back to the locals

The 2Fitness campaign has been a major factor in getting the Barbell Jack into as many capable hands as possible. The campaign is all about giving back profits to the gyms and PT’s that keep us healthy and building, the innovative approach has 100% of the profits going into the hands of these organizations and people which is certainly turning heads in the right direction.

Get one in your gym bag

The modern gym bag is littered with all sorts of useful tools for streamlining the process of a workout. The Barbell Jack is light and compact enough to fit easily into your typical gym bag, and thanks to the heavy-duty nylon build, there’s no worry about it weighing you down. Buying it as a kit with a resistance band is even smarter for those looking to increase their efficiency in the gym, with the resistance band offering a range of exercises that promote a wholehearted workout experience.

The development of the Barbell Jack is causing a storm of compliments in the fitness community, it’s never too late to be part of the new generation of smart-exercisers.



About the Author: Samantha Rayne is always eager to explore new and exciting topics for the benefit of her readers. Samantha mainly covers topics related to Celebrity & Gossip.


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Recommended Article: Deadlift Form

Investing in the right deadlift equipment is essential for anyone serious about strength training and maximizing their performance in the gym. From barbells and weight plates to deadlift jacks and lifting belts, each piece of equipment plays a crucial role in ensuring safety, enhancing efficiency, and achieving optimal results. A high-quality barbell is the foundation of your deadlift setup, providing the durability and weight capacity needed for heavy lifts. Pairing it with the right weight plates allows for progressive overload, helping you to steadily increase your strength. Additionally, using a deadlift jack simplifies the process of adding or removing plates, saving time and reducing the risk of injury. Lifting belts and wrist straps are also valuable accessories that support proper form and protect against injury during heavy lifts. Incorporating a range of deadlift equipment into your training routine not only boosts your performance but also contributes to a safer and more effective workout environment. Whether you're training at home or in a commercial gym, having the right deadlift equipment can make all the difference in reaching your fitness goals.

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