Deadlift Accessory Exercises

Incorporating deadlift accessory exercises into your training regimen can significantly enhance your performance and address specific weaknesses associated with the deadlift. These accessory movements target muscle groups and aspects of the lift that may not be fully addressed by the deadlift alone. For example, exercises such as Romanian deadlifts, hip thrusts, and kettlebell swings focus on strengthening the posterior chain, including the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back, which are crucial for a powerful and efficient deadlift. By focusing on these deadlift accessory exercises, you can build the foundational strength needed to lift heavier weights and improve overall technique. Additionally, incorporating exercises like deficit deadlifts and rack pulls can help improve the range of motion and address sticking points, ultimately leading to a more effective and well-rounded deadlifting routine

There are many ways to train, especially when it comes to weights. There are a few right ways, and too many wrong ways. There are crowds of weightlifters and gym enthusiasts that crowd the doctors’ offices around the globe on a daily basis, with pains and aches that could easily be avoided with proper technique, and the right approach.

Thankfully, every once and a while, there comes a tool that is unbelievably lifechanging, innovative and ground-breaking, a tool that gives a grand sigh of relief to personal trainers, physiotherapists, and weightlifters around the world. A tool that allows the right approach to come naturally, and one that avoids the detestable and avoidable aches and pains that befall so many of us.

In this case, the tool is the Barbell Jack.

What is The Barbell Jack?

The Barbell Jack is an innovative tool for gym-goers, the small jack allows for plates to be changed at an easier pace and angle. The jack works similar to a carjack where the weight is lifted at an angle in a safe and secure manner, allowing for an optimum experience. The makers of the Barbell Jack have partnered with renowned safety developer Intertek to ensure that the tool is safe and durable.

The elegant and compact design has allowed the tool to be added to any gym-goers toolkit with relative ease, the jack itself is crafted from an injection-moulded nylon that ensures a lightweight and supportive frame, capable of withstanding a great deal of weight with ease.

The professionals agree

The Barbell Jack is not only a grand design, but it also works remarkably well in keeping avoidable aches and pains alleviated. When changing weights on a typical bar, the temptation to simply bend and hold the bar at an awkward angle can cause a pain or pinch almost immediately.

Physiotherapists are among the Barbell Jacks greatest champions at the moment, with a slew of reviews stating the ergonomic benefits for utilising the tool. Not only physical therapists, but personal trainers have hopped onboard the Barbell Jack train, hailing it as a gamechanger in the fitness community.

The simplicity of the design, and time-saving nature of the result is impressive enough. The company is even running a campaign called 2Fitness which is an initiative to get as many Barbell Jacks into the world as possible, even at the expense of their own profits!

The ultimate gym kit

You would be remiss if you didn’t have one of these unique and portable tools in your gym bag. There are a few of them out there, but none have the sheer strength-to-weight ratio that the Barbell Jack has. Being made of lightweight yet incredibly durable material, it fits easily into your gym bag for use and has a vibrantly orange colour palate.

For the price you pay, you’re getting a great addition to your gym-going arsenal, as well as a little peace of mind for your back.


Media by:  is the head of content and politics columnist for Best in Australia. Prior to joining the Best in Au, she was a court and crime reporter at SM.

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Another important aspect of deadlift accessory exercises is their ability to enhance grip strength and stability, which are vital for maintaining control and preventing injury during heavy lifts. Exercises such as farmer’s walks, barbell shrugs, and static holds can help improve grip endurance and forearm strength, which translates to better performance during deadlifts. Moreover, incorporating core-focused exercises like planks and hanging leg raises can bolster your core stability, ensuring proper spinal alignment and reducing the risk of lower back strain. By strategically including these deadlift accessory exercises into your program, you can address muscle imbalances, improve overall lift mechanics, and achieve greater lifting gains. This comprehensive approach not only enhances your deadlifting capabilities but also contributes to a more balanced and effective strength training routine.

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